2025 Schedule


The Omaha Friends of Jung Presents:

Jane Kamerling Dream Appreciation Jungian Style


Schedule and Admission

This Spring we are honored and excited to present Jane Kamerling, Jungian Analyst from the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago for a video conference on March 21st from 12:30-2:30 PM (CST) at our downtown office. Seating is limited so please sign up now by emailing me at timswisher@aol.com. Once you register you will be sent the suggested readings. (see below)

On-site location:

Burlington Place
1004 Farnam, Suite 204
Omaha, NE 68102

Joining through Zoom is also available.

We will offer 2 CEU for Master level therapists.

The cost is $40.00 at the door. Please make your checks out to the Omaha Friends of Jung. 


In his analysis of the psyche’s working Jung viewed the dream as the continuous form of communication from the Unconscious Self to the conscious ego. These mysterious, sometimes baffling “messages,” when analyzed, offer profound and practical insights that further the
process of individuation. This course will examine the nature, structure and dynamics of the dream and will present methods that Jung developed for working with dreams.

Suggested Readings

• Matoon, Mary Anne. Understanding Dreams. Pages 45-64 (provided)
*A Jungian Approach to Working with Dreams” * John Beebe. (provided)
Handouts (included in registration notice)

Learning Objectives

1) Summarize the theory and technique of the utilization of dreams in analysis
2) Use clinical examples to demonstrate dream interpretation and complex theory
3) Apply steps to Jungian approach to dream interpretation


Originally from New York, Jane Kamerling, LCSW, Jungian Analyst, moved to the Chicago area in 1971. Prior to moving, Jane worked in Psychiatric hospital, Norristown State Hospital in Philadelphia, and as a Probation, Officer in Prince George Maryland. She graduated with a masters degree in social work in 1977 and worked for Lake County Special Education and then Elgin School District U-46 as a school social worker. Jane began private practice in 1983 specializing in teenagers. In 1987 she enrolled in the Analytic Training Program and graduated in 1993. Her practice focuses on Individual therapy, adults and teenagers and ;also has training in couples and family therapy. Jane is a faculty member of the Analytic Training Program and former co-director of the Jungian Psychotherapy Program. She is co-author, with Fred Gustafson, of Lifting the Veil.
Hope to see you there!