2016 Analytic Reading Group
The Analytic Reading Group meets every other Friday from 12:30-2:30 PM. We offer 2 CEU for LCSW/LMHP. Often the reading group adss videos to enhance the understanding of the readings. We have aslo had videoconferences with the authors. For questions, please contact Tim Swisher using the phone number and email address listed on the Home page.
1/8/15-Affect Regulation Theroy by Dan Hill, PhD pages 1-130,
1/22/2016-Meeting the Shadow-The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature-Connie Zweig and Jeremy Abrams pages 1-80 by 2/5/2016-pages 80-161 by
2/12/2016-A videoconference with Dan Hill, PhD-Relational trauma and the Clinical Realm of Hyper-and Hypo-arousal
Time: 12:30-2:30 PM
Where: 1004 Farnam, Suite 204
To register contact: Tim Swisher (seating is limited so register soon)
Suggested Reading: Right-Brain Affect Regulation-An Essential Mechanism of Development, Trauma, Dissociation, and Psychotherapy
Allan N. Schore __SchoreFosha09.pdf
The field of psychotherapy is being transformed by the understanding that early relational trauma produces enduring alterations of the brain that underlie deficits in affect regulation. This hidden epidemic of attachment trauma is foundational, setting up a vulnerability to an array of psychiatric and medical disorders. Clinically, we encounter these post traumatic disorders as insecure attachment patterns and hyper- and hypo- aroused personality disorders and states of consciousness. The nature of these traumas and their sequelae will be described with an eye toward the consequences for life-as-lived and for treatment.
Educational objectives:
Attendees will learn about:
– the nature of early relational trauma
– the deficits in affect regulation that originate in pre-occupied and avoidant attachment
– how such deficits manifest in altered states of consciousness that impede therapeutic progress
Dr. Hill is a psychoanalyst, educator and a leading proponent of the affect regulation model. His publications and presentations include topics ranging from the clinical use of multiple models to religious fundamentalism. He is the founder/director of PsyBC (1996-2014) and is now the founder/Editor-in-Chief of CSAR: The Center for the Study of Affect Regulation. For the past eight years he has conducted yearly conferences and on-going study groups focused on an in depth understanding of the regulation of affect developed in the attachment relationship and through the psychotherapeutic relationship. He is on the faculties of the National Institute of the Psychotherapies’ Four Year Adult Training Program in Psychoanalysis and Trauma Integration Program and the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. He is the author of the 2015 book Theory of Affect Regulation: a Clinical Model.
July 2016-The Clinical Thinking of Bion-Neville and Joan Symington.